1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Number of Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. (where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years)

1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses and also completed online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum

1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year)

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website

2.1.1  Student Enrolment

Document relating to sanction of intake as approved by competent authority

Final admission list as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority

Addition doc Link

2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.)

2.1.2 Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority.

5.1.1   Student Support

5.1.3 Students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling

5.1.4 Redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

5.2.1 Placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years

5.2.2Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/ cultural activities at University /state/ national / international level

5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years

5.4.1 Alumni Engagement